Saturday, January 3, 2009

Three Weeks

Of course, three weeks could only fly by here at home. I know there's no way they'd go by this fast at college. I always have so much fun on breaks, and yet I wonder how they pass so quickly. Sometimes I feel like I've barely done anything or seen anyone, when in reality I've seen everyone several times and for once, wasn't counting down the days to anything. I know many people who are having a lot of fun their freshman year, and while I am enjoying it, I have a feeling next year will be so much better. My first year of high school was similar: I enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as I enjoyed my next three years. I have a feeling college will be the same. That gives me something to look forward to. But, I am going to be optimistic about this term. I know that in general, the months between January & June seem to pass very quickly for me. It happens every year. I'm always surprised at how quickly the time passes by. So, on my last night at home, I will not think about any of the things coming up, but just how much fun I've had this break, and how much more fun I'll have in the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. See Kelley and I seem to be on the opposite end of this. But everyone has their own experience and it is good that you have a positive outlook on things. Kudos!
